Thursday 14 May 2009

What's It Like To Be Coached?

Extreme Coaching Have you ever wondered what coaching is all about? Well now you can see a coaching session in action. Kate Burton, a successful author of 3 books including Neuro- Linguistic Programming for Dummies and Building Self- Confidence For Dummies, agreed to be my client.

The topic is a personal one rather than business because we felt this would be safer than airing Kate's business plans to the rest of the world. But, the content is really just a means of demonstrating what happens in a coaching session.

It was filmed in one take so you can see how the coaching conversation flows to co-create an outcome for the client. I've left in all the 'ums' and 'urrs' so that you truly experience a real-life coaching session - not one that has been heavily edited.

So, in a real life business coaching session the contracting process would be done with both the person being coached and the organisation - as they pay the bill.

The video is split into 3 parts to make it easier to watch. Stay tuned till the end because as we go through the coaching session you'll see that Kate has a powerful realisation.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Every coaching client is different and each coaching session is different. Here's my challenge to you. I'm looking for other willing volunteers to show case coaching and how it can be a really powerful tool for you and your organisation.

So, this is an opportunity for you to have a 30 minute coaching session with me or one of my business partners to demonstrate the different topics and styles of coaching.

To find out more please drop me an email.

Thanks to Kate Burton for her support and help in making this video possible. To buy Kate's books go to :

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