Monday, 11 May 2009

What Happens When the Recession is Over?

So a thought occurred to me last week - what happens when the recession is over? At the moment we're still brow beating and looking to blame. Today it's the MPs' expenses that are in the frame. Next week it will be something different.

But all this talk about who's to blame, how deep the recession will get, whether or not house prices have reached the bottom, yadda yadda leaves me wondering if anyone has got their eye to the future. What will happen when we start to see the green shoots of the 'new economy'?

And what will the 'new economy' be like?

Surely more energy needs to be directed towards solutions not blame allocation and self-flagellation. This is a period of change - either evolutionary or revolutionary change. What lessons have we learned from the current scenario that we can take forward? If we are entering a 'new economy' let's create it now.

The savvy business will already be taking steps to retain customers and staff for the future. The principle of perceived fairness is what drives behaviours. Any business, or government for that matter, that ignores this principle does so at its peril.

So look to the future when making decisions today and know that this is merely a transition to something different. The decisions we make today determine whether that 'something different' is positive or negative.

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