Wednesday 1 April 2009

What Can a 106 Year Old Woman Teach You?

Listening to the news last week, amid all the usual detritus of negative self fulfilling prophecies about the economy, was a story that stood out. Yes, the story about the lion cub that was brought up by two aussies was heart warming but this story was more imporant for me.
It's the story of Dulcibella King-Hall. Born in 1902 Dulcibella reached her 107th birthday last Saturday.

That in itself isn't the important bit. The important bit is that at 106 she had a dream to drive around the Brands Hatch race circuit at high speed before she reached her 107th birthday! She fulfilled that dream.

So what does this story teach us?

Don't give up on your dreams and never accept anything other than the best because when you value your own dreams and keep that sense of determination you can achieve anything. I suspect it was that sense of determination and strong will to push the bondaries which has kept her alive for 107 years.

So, on this bright and sunny day if you are feeling a bit down about the economy, worried about whether or not the G20 will achieve its aims or think that you'll never succeed in these times of uncertainty then get a grip! Start valuing your dreams. Stay determined, only be prepared to accept the best and most important of all:

value yourself and trust in your own determination to succeed.

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