Tuesday 20 January 2009

A Time for Change

With the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States of America it's time for a change and all eyes will be turned on one man to make a big difference - Barack Obama. No pressure then!

Is it really possible for one man to make such a difference? On the one hand no - because no matter how much he believes in and desires the change he cannot do it alone. On the other hand, he has captured the imagination of not only his American compatriots but also many people around the world. He has become a rallying symbol for change in a world that is going through transition. Because of this, many people will rekindle their self belief and realise that a positive view of something different and a decision that you're not going to stay where you are in themselves are powerful motivators to get things changed.
If you are working in an organisation or own a business that you want to change think about making yourself a symbol for change and swear an oath today to make the transition. Develop a positive belief in the difference that change can make and sound the rallying cry.

Copyright Ro Gorell 2009

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